terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2009

Brasil oh Brasil...

Pois é,
Blog às traças novamente,

Sobrevivi ao caos ,
Mudanças , Odeio mudanças,
Como as coisas conseguem se transformar
de uma forma ridicula e irracível,
"Acostume-se ou morra tentando".

Saudade oh saudade,
uma vida inteira vivida em
apenas um ano e meio,
o nada que se transforma em Tudo.

Um dia voltarei,
Não da mesma forma,
não com a mesma idade,
e ,é claro ,não sozinha...hehehehe

sábado, 21 de fevereiro de 2009

Ultimas Palavras

Pain, palavra pequena ,portada de grande importância
Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor
Até quando você irá suportar?
Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor
"A vida é linda",Para quem?
Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor
Meus ombros já não aguentam mais.
Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor
Eu preciso gritar, Me ajude
Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor
Não sinto mais as minhas mãos
Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor
Por favor ,têm alguêm ai?
Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor, Dor

“Suicide is not chosen; it happens
when PAIN exceeds 
resources for coping with pain.”

sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2009

Me in the library (part 1)

Not that bizarre things wouldn`t hapen to me ,because it hapens, a lot.Wherever I go I cause some kind of polemic reaction, not that I`m posh, but negative reactions its not that kind of thing that you are proud of.It just stuck on me, especially when I`m pissed, a provocative answer of God.

1- As some might already know, I`m studing italian.I`ve been looking for good books of grammar but they are expensive so I can`t afford them.I`ve talked to a friend and she told me about the city library.
At first I really expected something bigger for a library.It was small in size, the furniture doesn`t really match and the disposition of the balconies made the library look like if it was smashed from the top until the ground.Sufocating.
The orientations where old papers gluedon columns, very messy because there where several papers one over the other.No orientations at all.
But absolutely nothing compared to find a book inside that mess of books and shelves.I tell you, it was hard, it took me 3 journeys between bringing one of the staff over to help me and giving up and trying to find another thing to do.
Then ,after all of this ,I was pissed ,not because I couldn`t find anything on that damn library, but because everytime I called one of the staff they came over looking to me as if that question was something only for retards.It was obvious that the book on the shelf 12 (The shelf has a fu%#ing number now???).How I couldn`t see that I suppose to find Anne Rice`s (horror, suspense) books in the ROMANCE section?Am I retard?

sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2009

Historias de vampiros

Lendo sobre a imortalidade me dou conta que vivemos pouco.Pouco pelo que podemos dizer ou considerar como "vida".
Sem contar os dias em que usamos fraldas e ,portanto , somos inuteis (tanto quando bebe quanto um velho gaga).
Vivemos pouco porque fazemos pouco.Ha tao pouco tempo para tantos sonhos...
Se eu vivesse eternamente faria tantas coisas que apenas no final de minha vida "humana" eu ja teria vivido por uma decada inteira.
Talves o nao medo de morrer mude tudo; Transforme-nos em covardes hipocritas.
Aff ando lendo muitas historias de vampiros, melhor parar por aqui.

sábado, 10 de janeiro de 2009

A New Hobbie

To start with , I`ve never really had a hobbie,
I could "like" things but never enough for something be called a hobbie.
Then after losing my job and deciding to change things up,
I found a very pleasant hobbie for myself,
After I have found ,in a bargain, a professional camera for sale.
 It`s great what a little efford could do for a narrow-minded person like
me to change in a moment.

PS:I don`t know how to manage it yet but I`ll keep trying.